Dr. Liza Seigido is an award-winning composer specializing in electro-acoustic composition and interactive multimedia art. She is also a performer, educator, and the founding owner/artistic director of Psyche Electro-Acoustic Opera Company, LLC (est. 2016). Her recent work in interactive media appeared in Cycling 74’s Newsletter #192. In February 2018, she was awarded a Discovery Grant by OPERA America to fund the development of her opera "Cyborgs are Dancing" for an electro-acoustic ensemble, dancer, and interactive media. The opera was workshopped on May 4, 2019, and, she was recently awarded a grant by CMN Arts to fund the world premiere of "Cyborgs are Dancing" at the Coral Gables Museum on May 22, 2020. The world premiere was canceled indefinitely. Her electronic Đàn tỳ bà, powered by the Makey Makey microcontroller and Max/MSP, was featured in Synthopia.com, ADSR, and New Atlas—three online music technology magazines—in December 2016. In 2015, Seigido was awarded the Jennylin Duany Light Bulb Fund Honorary Award by the Miami Light Project, which served to fund the development of her electro-acoustic song, “Daphne” for live processed mezzo-soprano, live processed cello, and video overlay. She was also commissioned by Brigette Cormier, artistic director of B.C. Dance Co, to build an interactive dance floor and video overlays for “TV NO,” which was premiered in April 2016 in the Rift Black Box Theater in Wynwood. Seigido’s latest acoustic work—“Euridice in the Underworld” for violin, viola, cello, piano, and narrator—was commissioned by Janis Mercer on behalf of the San Francisco Community Music Center’s YMP program; this piece was premiered on May 31, 2014. With her husband Lawrence W. Moore, Seigido founded the “Kendall Sound Art” new music concert series, which was sponsored by the Miami-Dade Public Library System. This series promoted the work of composers and performers residing in South Florida; it ran between May 2013 through December 2016. In 2011, Seigido’s “Fugue,” her singular string quartet, was selected for performance in Festival Miami’s Emerging Composer’s Concert at the Clarke Recital Hall, University of Miami. Dr. Seigido is currently teaching at Miami International University of Art and Design, Miami Dade College, and at Florida International University. Her music has been performed across the United States and in Prague, Czech Republic.